Friday, August 30, 2013

Our Shooting Schedule, 4 years later

I was rolling around in bed last night, unable to sleep, and I went to our YouTube channel to watch the 1st part of the film (it's in 7 parts).  It's been awhile.  While watching, it occurred to me that we started shooting DR this time of year, in August, 2009.  I dug out our rudimentary shooting schedule (our first shoot day was indeed August 28) and then I thought I'd commemorate the occasion by posting the schedule here.

Our film is still unreleased in a official/traditional capacity, only because I truly feel it will stand the test of time, like any film with artistic integrity.  I also feel a full release on DVD/Streaming, etc., will be more effective as I "build my brand."  I plan on shooting my next micro budge feature this winter in NYC, employing some of the shooting techniques from DR, while trying new ways to capture the story by any means.  I learned on DR, which we shot by the seat of our pants, that a little planning goes a long way.  I've worked in film a long time, so it's not that I don't know the importance of planning a film shoot, but I threw caution to the wind, willfully, to see what we could do by just doing it.  That's what DR represents, and we're all proud of it.  But this time around, I will spend more time on crafting the script and story, and preparing for the shoot, logistically and technically.  I can't wait.

In the meantime, here's our shooting schedule for DR, circa 2009, and please do check us out on YouTube when you can.


Steve Loff